Family Portal

Uniforms and Dress Code

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Neatness and cleanliness in personal attire are very much a part of a child’s education and are the responsibility of both the child and the family.

A good personal appearance is expected of every student in St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School. The uniform is expected to be worn each day of school.

If there are extenuating circumstances that affect the child’s ability to wear the uniform, the parent should contact the school.

Purchase uniforms from:

Cramers Uniforms
5226 Market St.
Philadelphia, PA 190139



Health Forms Required

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We follow the Philadelphia School District – Student Health Services guidelines.

Parents are required to complete two medical forms (S865 and MED-1) annually as part of the enrollment process. These forms:

  • gather information about a child’s health history. This history can be vital in an emergency or should the need for any medical treatment arise while a child is in school.
  • allow the school nurse to administer Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen, or if needed Albuterol inhaler or EpiPen as prescribed by the School District’s medical Officer/pediatrician. Nurses cannot administer these medications without parental permission.
DOWNLOAD then PRINT or REQUEST a FORM from the main office:


    Required Immunizations & Physicals

    Pennsylvania law requires all students (K-12) be vaccinated while attending school. Students that DO NOT have the required vaccines may be EXCLUDED from school until they have received the appropriate vaccines or an exemption form has been submitted to your school nurse.

    Required immunization by grade can be found here.

    Make sure to download and give the following medical forms to your child’s doctor to be completed by a licensed physician and a copy submitted to STA.

      School Required Forms

      Your Subtitle Goes Here

      All six (6) online forms need to be completed for each child before the start of school year 2024-25. Click on each link and fill online. Completed forms automatically get submitted to the school.

      School Handbook

      Your Subtitle Goes Here

      Supply List

      Your Subtitle Goes Here

      School Calendar (Full Year)

      Your Subtitle Goes Here

      School Meals

      Your Subtitle Goes Here

      We subscribe to Nutritional Development Services’ National School Breakfast and Lunch Program, which is free to our students. Each student is provided with a healthy breakfast and lunch during school days. For more information about the program, please visit

      October Meals

      November Meals

      • Breakfast – To be posted
      • Hot Lunch – To be posted

      Volunteer Clearances

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      We welcome volunteers! To ensure the safety of our students, all volunteers are required to obtain three clearances before serving: PA Criminal Background Check, PA Child Abuse History Clearance, and Fingerprinting. Follow the steps on the IMS Clearances web page.

      Here is a list of requirements.

      Snow Day Procedures

      Your Subtitle Goes Here

      We will follow the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s decision on school closures or delays. IF ARCHDIOCESAN SCHOOLS ARE OPEN, our school is OPEN. 

      Our school will:

      • Post message on Class Dojo
      • Send parents text and email messages.
      • Notify KYW1060AM radio, which announces school opening and closures.


      Our school will open at 10:00 a.m.  Breakfast will not be served. Lunch will be served.

      Ready for High School?

      Learn more about the high school admissions process including the timeline, placement testing, financial aid & scholarships, learning support needs and more.